Sunday, October 14, 2012

Welcome (Again?)!


Welcome (back?) to my recently resurrected movie blog! If your new to this site (which, let's face it, you are), this is where I, the somewhat anonymous blogger, will update and, if I am so lucky, inform you with movie reviews, news, rumors, and my occasional anger-based opinions on something that relates to film, all delivered from my perspective and into your brain parts. 

As I previously mentioned, this blog has been brought back from the dead very recently, due to some creative realization and an innate desire to write on my part. The reason for the original termination was caused by a lack of confidence in my writing style, consisting of an over abundance of curse words and overall naivety. I'm not a strong advocate for censorship, in fact I'm wholly against it, but I used fuck and shit to compensate for bad writing. 

So if you've taken the time out of your day to finish reading this post, it tells me that, 1. There's actually someone reading, 2. Reviews, news, and other things that end with -ew will be posted soon, and 4. Hopefully you'll visit this site often! Many thanks. 

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